I've now done the most miles in a day I've ever done...135, avg speed 18.8. Previous record was 126 at the Horribly Hilly Hundreds one year when Jake and I got lost adding an extra 2 miles. There are a number of others on this trip that also can make the same claim. By tomorrow,hopefully many of us will be able to say that this was the first time we had done 3 century rides in a row.
Today we went from beautiful Palm Springs to Blythe, which is close to the Arizona border. Initially we passed a lot of farmland where we saw green peppers being picked and what looked like grape vines. Then we climbed for 20 miles up Rock Canyon Road, which was spectacular. Then the not so fun stuff started. Interstate 10. We did 60 miles in total on the shoulder, navigating carefully around debris, exit ramps, and the occasional rumble strip until able to mercifully get off with 8 miles of less harried roads to our hotel...a Super 8. There are only a few hotels in this town but my guess is that this is the worst one. When I got to my room, ready to immediately begin the rejuvenation process, I found someone else's luggage in there. It took the front desk 20 minutes to relocate me, 15 of which was spent on debating whether to call the manager at home to appraise him of this situation. Having promised to meet some fellow riders to go out to eat, I unfortunately had to cut out the leg elevation and nudity part of my ritual, which after day one, I had grown quite fond of. I had barely enough time to take a shower....which I will need to repeat in the morning because the first shower removed only the first layer of salt, sunscreen and grime that was on me. I believe there remain a few more layers of buildup that haven't been adequately dealt with. I may have to bring in an archeologist to do some excavating but I doubt if there's one here in Blythe. I managed to consume about 3000 calories tonight with Mexican food and a Burger King milkshake. The Mexican restaurant in spite of saying "Bar and Grill" on its sign, had recently lost its liquor license, so no alcohol was consumed there or anywhere in this town. Thus my liver can stay focused on its singular mission for the night....make enough glycogen by morning to help me from bonking on tomorrow's ride. Liver, I've done my part, now you do yours.
Leaving Palm Springs
Up Rock Canyon Road
In honor of your sobriety, I frankly think you should gorge on chopped liver after ride three. Go easy on the onions though. Cheers, The Angel
ReplyDelete"You're competing in the biggest race in the world and you're stuck staying in these horrible hotels." Lance Armstrong
ReplyDeleteIn honor of your ride and lack of alcohol, we had a 2nd seder last night and I made sure to have the required 4 glasses of wine - 2 for you!
ReplyDeleteYou sound great on the blog and in the photos, Mark. We are cheering from Bemidji. Where does your dad get all these quotes? Craig and Barb